GenoMar Genetics begins construction of a new Tilapia breeding center

As part of its ongoing investment programme, the GenoMar Genetics Group, which distributes tilapia genetic products under the brands GenoMar, Aquabel and AquaAmerica has announced the building of a new tilapia breeding and genetics center in the state of Tocantins, Brazil.

Construction of GenoMar’s tilapia breeding centre in Tocantins, Brazil. Photo: GenoMar Genetics Latin America.

First state-of-the-art breeding center in Latin America

The dedicated breeding center will be the first of its kind for tilapia species in the Latin American region and will have sufficient capacity to manage GenoMarĀ“s breeding programs as well as to produce parent stock for its distribution operations. The new facility will enhance GenoMarĀ“s already unrivaled distribution infrastructure in Brazil and support its expansion efforts in the region with Colombia and Mexico in the spotlight.

The construction of the hatchery falls under the management of GenoMar Genetics Latin America, who have been working diligently with engineers, consultants and the Brazilian authorities to ensure that the center contains the most state-of-the-art technology and meets GenoMar’s high standards of biosecurity.

Expected finalised early in 2021

Construction started in June 2020 and the center is expected to be operational by 1Q 2021. The location of the center in Tocantins aligns with GenoMar’s policy of establishing production facilities in regions with very low climatic risks and proximity to our customer base.

Alejandro Tola Alvarez, CEO of GenoMar Genetics Group commented:

“We have spent the last two years planning for this investment and our team has made a fantastic work bringing 20 years of experience in practical tilapia breeding together with latest knowledge and advances in genomic selection to maximize the efficiency of breeding, as well as, consistent biosecurity projects. The new breeding center will be a huge asset to the group and the wider Brazilian and Latin American tilapia industry which will benefit from further customization of genotypes adapted to local conditions and lower overall biosecurity risks arising from imports from Asia or other regionsā€.

Diones Almeida, Director for GenoMar Genetics Latin America added:

“This new breeding center will enable us to meet our future infrastructure needs for managing several tilapia breeding programs and deliver genetic improvement to our customers at a faster rate. We will be creating more than 30 high-quality jobs, development for the region and we are working with Brazilian authorities to certify the infrastructure as a bio secure compartment soon. I want to extend our appreciation to the federal, state and municipal authorities, entrepreneurs, colleagues of Aquabel and people of Tocantins for their engagement and support to make this project a realityā€.

Demand for GenoMar tilapia products continues to increase worldwide, and this facility will enable the multiplication of the genetics and further enhance the quality of fingerlings and juveniles that are provided to the customers.

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